索尼 Cyber-shot DSC-RX100(簡稱RX100)是由索尼於2012年6月發布的緊湊型不可換鏡頭數位相機,特色為在緊湊的空間內設計配置了1英寸規格傳感器與高表現的鏡頭,上市初7萬円/$650定價一度被認為難以接受,隨後RX100在各類評測中的優異表現則證明物有所值。RX100在發布後獲得了業界與市場認可,其於2012年入選時代雜誌評出的年度50佳發明(50 ‘best inventions’ of 2012)。
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今年十月有機會去了龍目島Lombok旅遊,本來是要爬火山林賈尼Rinjani,然後去拍攝日出日落和星空。無奈後來出發前一天,當地旅行社說有局部森林大火,為了遊客安全,所以林賈尼國家公園決定關閉一週。所以我們的行程,經由當地旅行社的協調推薦,改成東吉利east Gili海島遊與浮淺,並且加上帳篷夜宿一晚。
- SONY RX100m5a
- 東吉利康多Gili Kondo海灘晚上八點
- 2019十月底,南半球
# How to photograph milky way?
## Introduction
In October, I had the opportunity to travel to Lombok, where I was supposed to climb the mountain Rinjani,
and take photos of sunrise, sunset and stars. However, the day before the trip, the local tourist agency
said there was a forest fire, so the Rinjani national park was closed for a week for safety concerned.
So our itinerary, coordinated and recommended by the local travel agency, was changed to an island tour
and a shallow trip to east Gili, plus a night in a tent.Therefore, the teaching and parameter recommendation are based on:
- SONY RX100m5a
- east Gili Kondo beach at 8 p.m
- end of October 2019Let's go!
- 曝光秒數25秒
- 光圈F1.8
- 感光度ISO 800
- 手動焦距MF 無限遠
- 延遲拍攝兩秒(因為通常不會加購遙控快門線,用到場合也不多)
- 使用三腳架
- 頂面的右轉盤,轉到手動曝光模式(Manual Exposure)
- 螢幕面右下選取Fn (Function) button,這樣可以看到可調整的所有項目
- 手動焦距,要去調整鏡頭外環
Milky way shooting teaching and parameter setting recommendation
Quick summary:
- exposure 25 seconds
- aperture F1.8
- ISO 800
- manual focus MF infinity
- delay shooting by 2 seconds (because remote shutter release is not usually purchased and rarely used)
- use a tripodWarm reminder, when the camera is positioned:
- top right turntable, Manual Exposure mode
- select the Fn (Function) button at the bottom right of the screen so that you can see all the icons
- manual focal length, to adjust the outer ring
還有一件滿好笑的事情是,當晚時地物都俱備了,但我抬頭仰望星空,何處是銀河milky way,盡是滿頭黑人問號…後來當地導遊秒指出在天空哪處,還叮嚀我,月亮出來前趕快拍攝比較好。(喜歡拍攝銀河的朋友們都知道,當天空中有月亮時,尤其是在滿月左右,月光形成的光污染會對觀測和拍攝銀河造成嚴重影響,延長曝光時間拍出來的照片亮如白晝)
請下載app star walk,會直接偵測你所在方位GPS去找到相對應的星空圖,很方便!
關於改圖ps,我這邊教學用一個簡單的app Snapseed,只要一個按鈕三個調整,就能得到一張滿優質的銀河圖了!用Snapseed開啟要改的圖片,然後,
- tools > HDR
- 濾鏡強度filter strength 大
- 亮度brightness 小
- 飽和度saturation 大
Where is the Milky Way?Another funny thing was that when things were all set up that night, but I looked up at the Milky Way,
where the Milky Way? full of black question marks... Later, the local guide pointed out where in the sky,
also told me that the moon out as soon as possible to shoot better.
(as anyone who likes to photograph the Milky Way knows, when there is a moon in the sky, especially
around the full moon, the light pollution created by the moon can seriously affect the observation and
photography of the Milky Way, and the extended exposure time can make the picture as bright as day.)In the wild or in the mountains, where there is no light pollution, people with good eyesight can only
see a faint and faint track from the stars.
Photos or photos of star clusters like those of NASA are postproduced.Please download app star walk, it will directly detect your location GPS to find the corresponding sky map!Star parameter setting is recommendedFor photoshop, I'm using a cool app called Snapseed, which allows you to get a decent picture of the galaxy
with just one button and three tweaks. Unlock the image you want to change with Snapseed, and then,One button:
- Tools > HDRThree adjustments:
- high filter strength
- small luminance brightness
- saturation is large